HPU 600
Are you ready to level up? With the HPU 600, high school students can take college-credit classes online for $600 per class. Don't get stuck bored at home. Do something with your brain.
HPU - Offering you ways to get ahead on your life path.
College classes are available for high school students at only a fraction of the regular price. If you watch your bank account, this is a chance to make sure you hang onto more cash while expanding your knowledge. This program is available to current high school freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors.
You can take classes in the following disciplines:
- Arts & Humanities
- Computer Science
- Criminal Justice & Leadership
- Math & Science
Keep in mind that the classes and grades will appear on your college transcript and are transferable to other colleges. This is a great opportunity to get a few credits out of the way or get ahead on your degree program. HPU 600 online courses are taught asynchronously.
It doesn't matter what time zone you are in; you can take a class from anywhere. Well, anywhere with an internet connection.
If you have any immediate questions, email HPU Admissions.