Outgoing Study Abroad Application

Outgoing Study Abroad Application- The first step towards a journey of a lifetime!

Application Deadline

  • Fall or Summer 2025- Thursday, March 13th, 2025 by 5pm HST
  • Spring 2025- Thursday, October 10, 2024 by 5pm HST

Application Requirements

  • Intention to graduate from HPU
  • Minimum GPA 3.0 or GPA Petition
  • Good Academic and Judicial Standing
  • A COVID-19 vaccination booster prior to departure.  Vaccines.gov.
  • Spanish Speaking Countries: One semester of college level Spanish*
  • Japan: One semester of college level Japanese*
  • Mainland China: One semester of college level Chinese
  • Must be at least 18 years old with a high school diploma
  • *No language requirement for summer programs

Application Checklist

Before starting your application, you will want to make sure you have the following documents ready to upload. Please read the instructions carefully. If documents do not meet all of the requirements, you will be asked to submit additional documentation. 

1. LIst of Courses you would like to take at Your Host University or Program
You will  be asked to fill in your preferred list of courses at your host university. This can change in the future. You will just need to list 5 classes you are hoping to take as well as 2 alternate classes.

2. Course approval request form (CARF)
This is the form that shows you have approval for the courses you are taking at your host university to count as your HPU requirements. Once you have gotten approval from your department liaison, you will upload the approved form with your application. In the case that you are still waiting on approval from your department liaison, please note that on your application.

3. Color Copy of your passport
Please upload a color copy of your passport. Passports must be valid for at least 6 months past the end of the intended term of study abroad. If it is more convenient, you are welcome to come to the Study Abroad office in 500 Ala Moana Blvd (WP) Suite 5A, and we can make a copy for you.

4.Statement of Purpose
Please upload an essay between 500-1500 words answering the following questions: 

  1. What led you to apply for this particular program and how will it contribute to your academic, personal, and professional goals?
  2. Please describe any previous experience you may have had interacting with other cultures and how you are prepared to meet the challenges of adapting to a different cultural environment.
  3. What do you anticipate being the biggest challenge for your semester or year abroad?

5. A gmail Address that is not your Hpu email address
This will be used to add you as a contributor for the HPU Students Abroad Blog

Please see below for additional requirements if you are interested in Applying for the HPU Study Abroad Scholarship or if you have below a 3.0 GPA

HPU Study Abroad Scholarship Information:

The HPU Study Abroad Scholarship is specifically for HPU students who are studying abroad.

The following study abroad program are not eligible for the HPU Study Abroad Scholarship Application, so you don’t need to complete the Financial Aid Assessment Form:

  • AIFS
  • Arcadia Abroad
  • CIEE
  • Sea Education Association (SEA)
  • Sea|Mester
  • TEAN

*All these program offer their own scholarship that you are welcome to apply for!

ILA students are also not eligible for the HPU Study Abroad Scholarship. ILA’s scholarship is built into the program fee. They don’t offer an additional one.

Please note:

  • Only those students who turn in a complete application by the deadline will be considered for the scholarship.
  • The amount of funding will be determined by each student's essay, academic standing, and financial need.
  • Awards will be applied to your HPU tuition or affiliated program fee.
  • Students who have previously received an HPU Study Abroad Scholarship are not eligible to apply again.

HPU Study Abroad Scholarship Application:

You can apply for this scholarship by answering yes to the question at the end of the HPU study abroad application (below) that asks if you would like to apply for the scholarship. Once you answer yes to that question, you will see where you can upload the following items:

1. Submit a Financial Assessment Form to the hpu Financial Aid Office
You will complete the top portion of this form then submit it to financialaid@hpu.edu or at the Student Services Center at Waterfront Plaza.

2. Submit a Study Abroad Scholarship Essay Answering the Prompt below
In 1-2 pages, please describe in detail using specific examples, why you feel you would be a deserving recipient of this scholarship and what sets you apart from other applicants.

  1. How will you apply your experience abroad to your career or academic goals or how will study abroad experience help you to reach your academic or career goalds?
  2. As an HPU student studying abroad, you will be representing HPU and the country you are from as a cultural ambassador in your host community.
    1. How will you contribute to buliding mutual understanding between your own country and the culture of your host country?
    2. How will you seek opportunities to become more culturally engaged and have meaningful interactions with people and cultures different from your own during your abroad program?
  3. What are unique experiences, background information, etc. that you would like the committee to know about you?
    1. Are you involved in HPU as a Peer Mentor, Success Coach, Student Government, or serve under a leadership position for an HPU student club etc...?
    2. Are you the first in your family to be attending college?
    3. Will this be your first time being abroad?
    4. Are you part of an underrepresented population that studies abroad? Below are just some examples of such:
      1. Non-Traditionally aged student
      2. High Academic Merit
      3. STEM, Social Work, Elem Ed etc.... major
      4. An NCAA athlete
      5. Serve(d) in the military
  4. How and why would this scholarship help to make it more possible for you to study abroad?
  5. Please also describe any challenges that may prevent you from studying abroad should you be approved and any challenges you were concerned about when considering to study abroad.


Students with a GPA of less than 3.0 must submit a GPA petition that includes:

1. An essay explaining the following points:

  •  Why your current GPA is not a 3.0
  •  What changes are you making to raise your GPA
  • What is your understanding of the challenges of studying abroad and why you feel you will be successful in this endeavor

2. At least one letter of recommendation from an HPU faculty member

If you have any questions about the application, please contact us at studyabroad@hpu.edu. We will also be hosting several application workshops leading up to the application deadline where you can stop by for help on your application. Please see the events calendar on our home page for dates and times of the application workshops.