The Biological and Environmental Monitoring and Archival of Sea Turtle Tissues (BEMAST) is a long term, collaborative study that collects biological samples from sea turtles in the Pacific Ocean to monitor their health and pollution exposure.


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Derelict Fishing Gear

CMDR removes, characterizes, and sources Derelict Fishing Gear (DFG), or “ghost nets” from the marine environment to understand their composition and source back where they are coming from. We also study the impacts of DFG to coral reefs.

DFG Bounty - Registration Information

Method Development

CMDR develops methods to quantify nano- to microplastics as well as plastic additives in various environmental matrices with focus on accuracy and precision.

Density Separation Device

Polymer Weathering

CMDR investigates the chemical, physical, and biological changes during weathering of plastic pollution.

Plastic Ingestion

CMDR quantifies and categorizes ingested plastic from sea birds, sea turtles, and fish.


Repurpose Plastic Pollution

CMDR works with partners to recycle plastic pollution removed from the ocean into infrastructure and tests leaching of microplastics and plastic additives from these newly engineered products.